Individually tailored education that inspires and empowers the next generation of young girls to achieve greatness.

“Girls can be themselves but also be heard, where wallflowers can come out of the shade in a safe and nurturing space and grow quietly in confidence.”

- Muddy Stilettos

Individual care and attention
given to every child

Focus on developing caring,
confident and well-rounded girls

Progression onto top senior schools
such as HABs, Haileybury and more

EYFS and Pre-Prep (Reception - Y1)

From the start of your daughter’s time here, they are taught by subject experts across the school, and develop academically, socially and emotionally in the early years of their journey.

Prep (Y3-6)

We have high expectations for our girls and aim to help them reach their full potential. We offer personalised instruction to meet the needs of each student, whatever their abilities.

“A big thank you to all of the teachers for all of their hard work.”

- Year 5 Parent

What makes a Stormont Girl?

A happy, confident child who is well-prepared for the next step in her educational journey. On her final day with us, she will have learned the pillars of being a strong, curious and kind young person with the support of a loving community of peers and teachers here at Stormont.